
Sweet Cottage...

Waky..waky... waky.. good morning ladies...guys ... Dont't you adore these photos.. I would like to paint it one of these days.... These are a few of my photo collections waiting to be painted... I love to have fruits especially cherry, strawberry, apples... I don't exactly copy cat the whole painting... It's kind of my inspiration to get me moving with my folkart...Doesnt it brighten up my sweet cottage this morning...

Got to leave you for now.. will catch up later... bye... adios... mmmmuahhhhh.....


  1. cantiklah painting tu...

    * kalau dah berhasil dengan folkart tu, tayang kat sini cepat2 ya ;)

  2. InsyaAllah.. after i siapkan a few orders ni.. thanx for dropping by...
